Tips to shedding off excess kilos
How to effectively lose weight within a short period of time💪
Losing weight has always been a challenge to the majority of people as opposed to adding weight simply because the body tends to hold on to fats more storing them for the future.
It's important to note that losing weight is a gradual process and one should be able to exercise patience as one go about trying to shed off some kilos. It’s not going to go away within a day or rather there is no ‘magic pill’ that one can take to simply see results from day one.
Below are some measures that one can start to take to ensure long-term results and not only lose weight but also embrace a much healthier lifestyle.
• Embrace a healthy diet
A healthy diet is considered a key component to those who are keen on losing weight simply because we are what we eat. If we constantly consume junk food and lots of greasy food, then the skin will have to suffer the consequences of such. Not only will the excessive fats lead to weight build-up but also the skin will start to have breakouts and this will be visible particularly on the face. It's therefore important to maintain a clean healthy diet which will consist of eating a balanced diet at least 3 times a day and taking lots of water. Some people note that having a keto diet can help and this includes taking meals that consist of only proteins and vitamins, they argue that starchy foods are the ones that contain lots of calories, and eliminating that in one’s diet brings significant changes.
• Practicing intermittent fasting
This is where one eats meals after a certain duration of time has elapsed for example after 12 hours to give the body ample time to process the food that has been eaten. For example, one can eat breakfast at 8 am then later indulge in the second meal at 8pm. During the day, this gives the body time to process the first meal taken at breakfast, and excess fats will be broken down easily and absorbed within a short span of time leading to reduced obesity.
• Maintaining a good exercise routine
It is very vital that people who aspire to lose weight plan on getting fit. As we all know, exercise plays a huge role in shedding excess weight since it helps one to burn down calories consumed. At first, one should be able to start slow and slowly build up so as not to burn out and lose interest in exercising altogether. With time, one starts to notice changes happening and there are various exercises that target the specific stubborn areas we are looking to get rid of the excess fats. Exercises like sit-ups and lunges enable one to lose belly fat quite easily
• Meditation& Adequate amounts of rest
Practicing meditation is a key component in enabling one to lose weight quickly. When one practices meditation quite often, this leads to reduced stress levels and makes one not consume a lot of food. Too much stress levels trigger the person to consume a lot of food as a coping mechanism and this can lead to excessive weight gain. Its therefore important to set aside time each day to sit down, relax and meditate, practice yoga as a form of meditation and you will be on your way to shedding off some of the calories. Sleeping for a minimum of 7hrs a day is also important because less sleep leads to increased stress levels and this leads to one consuming a lot of food in order to increase their energy levels and this subsequently leads to increased weight gain therefore one should have adequate sleep.
• Seek professional help
If one has the means to fasten the process of losing weight, they should seek the services of a personal trainer and nutritionist who can offer guidance and direction as far as losing weight is concerned. The personal trainer can help one keep track of their fitness goals and the nutritionist can guide on the diet that one should be taking so that one can be on the right path. It is important to also keep a diary to keep track of the progress one makes on a weekly basis so that it can serve as a motivation to keep on aiming higher. Having a support system to also encourage you along the way is vital so that one does not quite halfway.
All in all, losing weight should never be a tiring process, make it a fun and enjoyable process. It’s okay to feel discouraged and quit but one should never give up. Each time, it is important to remember to take small steps and set achievable goals rather than set big goals and fail.
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